AGE Student Council 2015 - 2016
A Voice for Students
The Student Council is a representative body for all students at Academy of Greatness and Excellence, an accredited Islamic School. It provides students with the opportunity to work with the school administration, staff and parents. It is a very important link in relaying important information from council meetings to the rest of the school.
Student Council Responsibilities:
Working with Staff and Parents
Communicating with all of the students in the school
Involving as many students in activities
Planning and managing activities for the year
Raising funds for activities
Officers of the Student Council:
President -
Chief spokesperson and officer of the Student Council
Call meetings
Chairs meetings in a fair manner, ensuring that all have an equal say
Has the casting vote of votes are divided equally
Liaison between Council and School Administration
Ensures council is run effectively and efficiently
Prepares the Agenda for each meeting
Vice President -
Takes over the responsibilities of the President when she/he is not available
Assists the President in the organization of the Council
Secretary -
Prepares the agenda for each meeting with the President
Circulates the agenda to all members of the council in advance of the meeting or at the start of a meeting
Takes meeting minutes/ notes and writes them for distribution
Distributes or reads out minutes from previous meeting and signs them with President
Treasurer -
Manages any funds raised by the Student Council
Keeps Financial records in order and reports to the Student Council on the current financial status
Makes a brief financial report
Provides the Council with a complete financial report at the end of the school year.
Public Relations/ Communications Officers-
Keep the school informed about the activities of the Council by making announcements during
Keep Notice Board updated
Help produce the Student Council newsletter/ or the section on the school newsletter
Takes photos of Student Council activities for reports and newsletter
Student Council Notice Board:
A Student Council Bulletin Board should be in a prominent place where students and parents can see it. It should have the following:
Members' names, photos and classes
Date of next meeting
Minutes from last meeting
Ideas of the Student Council
Student Council achievements and ongoing activities
Photographs of activities